Friday, February 20, 2009


Torn in three
I don't know what
to think or feel
rules my world
The only constant:
Not true.
Seas may rage
but a floor is always there
hold on to it
and try to breathe in

Written last thursday (not yesterday) but wow it applies to today.


AnnaRose said...

So I had Anna read this poem (and I'm posting this on her computer which is why it say's I'm her) and she suggested changing the end. Does this work better?

Seas may rage
but ground is firm beneath me
hold on to it
and try to breathe in

AnnaRose said...

I like them both, you're poetry is amazing, Kelia. However, when I say it aloud I personally like the second one more - has to do with the way it flows off the tongue towards the end. Of course, this is *your* poem, so which ever one makes you happiest makes us happiest ;].

Honestly, though, the entire poem is amazing. I need to check here more often!!!

Love ya,

Katie ♥ ♥

KeliaMegan said...

Thanks so much! I agree, and I think the second one makes more sense too. :D <3