Friday, September 10, 2010

Stolen by Lucy Christopher

So. Stolen. I think this is the first book that's made me cry (really sob, not just eyes watering) since I read Each Little Bird That Sings by Deborah Wiles, which I read 3 or 4 or 5 years ago. This book really got to me. It was such an emotional book, everything that Gemma felt was portrayed so well and so truly.

Stolen is a letter written by Gemma to the man who kidnaps her out of an airport and takes her to The Middle of Nowhere, Australia. Her time there is terrifying and awful, and yet the more she delves into the mind of her captor the more she realizes that nothing is simple, not even hate.

I loved the writing in this book, it was so fluid and natural, told from after but never giving away what happens next. And I loved Gemma, she was so relateable and she never gave up. Everything she was thinking and feeling made sense, which was good because it would have ruined the book if the narrator was annoying. And Ty-- Ty was a real person, not just some evil kidnapper. At the end of the book my thoughts about him were almost as complicated as Gemma's. This is definitely a book that will stay with me for a while--more than anything I know I'll remember the beautiful description of the Australian desert (and the heat) and how frightening, and sad and overwhelmingly real it was.


Anonymous said...

Huh. Sounds interesting, especially the Australian location. On the one hand I'm a little worried about willing leading myself into a cry-fest, but if you say it's worth it...perhaps. :)

KeliaMegan said...

Well, I don't know if it would make everyone cry :) But it's definitely emotional at the end. It's really good! I would be interested to see what you thought.

Sam said...

Oh, that's a good book. It made me cry too. Seriously, I thought it was so brilliant.

KeliaMegan said...

Definitely brilliant! I loved it.